The Ramblings & Findings of a Pixie

with respect, love, gratitude and a little pixie magic all things are possible……

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Epic Raw Cheesecake mmmmmmmmmm

This has to be one of the easiest raw cheesecakes ever, just a little pre prep the day before and BOOM you are in business!


  • ½ cup of almonds
  • 2 tablespoons desiccated coconut
  • ¾ cup dates
  • 1.5 cup cashews, soaked
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
  • ½ cup coconut milk
  • ½ cup fresh lime juice
  • Zest of one lime
  • 2 tablespoons of maple syrup
  1. Soak cashews in cold water for at least 8 hours but overnight is best
  2. Soak dates in warm water for 15 minutes and then drain the water before putting in the food processor
  3. Add almonds and desiccated coconut to the food processor along with the dates and pulse into a fine grain
  4. Press the mixture into a 12 inch springform pan or smaller individual tins like you see in the picture. Push down firmly until it is well compacted and even. Put in the fridge to set. This can be made the day before
  5. Add soaked cashews to the food processor along with lime juice, lime zest, coconut oil, coconut milk and maple syrup and blend well until the mixture is smooth and creamy, scraping down the sides as needed.
  6. Pour mixture onto the base, spread evenly and sprinkle with lime zest
  7. Store in the freezer and take out 30 minutes before serving

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Friday Soul Food

I absolutely love Kahil and this morning my son brought me his book ‘The Prophet’.  Not sure he was selecting it for its words, most likely for the colorful cover and beautiful pictures inside…anyways…. I opened the book to this page and as I read it out I was taken back to the warm sands of the Hawksbury River where my very precious friends were married and I was privileged to read this out for them. 


“Let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.” 

Kahil The Prophet

Happy Friday everyone and don’t forget to smile….you could change someones life! xxx


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Yeeoooow Smoothie

Apologies for being a bit lean on the posts recently, I was having my usually yearly mental health moment….but do not fear I am back and armed with more inspiration and crazy ideas on how to survive this life here on planet Earth 🙂

Grab ya blender and let’s get into the Yeeoooow  Smoothie! Inspired by the epic amounts of kettle bell swings I have just done, its priority to get protein into my body asap to help it recover, repair and grow.

Yeeoooow Smoothie

  • 1 cup Almond Milk
  • 1/2 cup ice
  • 2 Tbsp Protein Powder (I’m currently testing out Nuzest’s Clean Lean Protein)
  • 1 Tbsp Cacoa Nibs
  • Handful of mint
  • Handful of parsley

Blend and Enjoy xx




Breakfast Inspiration

I originally got the basis of this from Petite Kitchen, its such a great way to start your day and even use it on your homemade banana ice cream too! This has to be one of the most simple breakfasts to make, as long as you have all the ingredients you are set to go, no need for baking or chopping just add mix and TaaDaaa!! 🙂

Shredded Coconut Cereal

  • 1 cup of shredded coconut
  • 1/2 cup goji berries
  • 1/4 cup sliced almonds
  • 2 tbsp poppy seeds
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 1/4 cup LSA (ground linseed, sunflower and almonds)
  • 1/4 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1 glass jar

Mix all together in a bowl then pour into an air tight jar, makes around 8 serves and lasts for around 3 months.



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Thought of the day xx

You can’t give away what you do not have.

This thought and idea has been said over and over by almost every existing culture. These 9 words in this order represents why it is  essential to put yourself in the centre of your world, it means that only when you love and respect yourself completely (mind and body) you will be able to love and respect those around you. You will be able to give love and respect away completely.

From today believe in yourself unconditionally!


The Centre program.


Afternoon Juice

I just scored an awesome juicer, it’s called the Hurom Slow Juicer…did I mention how awesome it is, comparing it to my last juicer, I can’t even put in to words the difference in taste and quality. Making nut milks is now even easier and faster……I truly am in love, I think the blender knows it too!

To curb those afternoon sugar urges I’m now opting for a juice and maybe a date or two. This juice is super simple and packed with so many minerals and vitamins you will rock through to dinner no worries. It does come with a warning for little folk, my son had a few sips and then proceeded to do donuts all over the house for an hour, next time I might water it down a little for him 🙂

Afternoon Juice

Handful of the following greens

  • Kale
  • Rocket
  • Parsley
  • 2 Carrots
  • 1 lemon (peeled)

Juice away and enjoy the ride…it tasted so good i forgot to take a picture of it pre drinking it 🙂


If you are interested in the Hurom Juicer here is a link to read more about it

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Five Sheaths or Koshas of Yoga

Last night I had the pleasure of attending a presentation on the Koshas of Yoga by Megan Blennerhassett of Harmony Yoga. This was an amazing evening with an abundance of knowledge and energy soaked up by all that attended. Megan finished our evening off with a Yoga Nidra or “yogi sleep”….I highly recommend adding this to your yoga practice if you haven’t already.. Deepening our meditation practice not only brings calm into our lives but it awakens the intuitive self the true self.



The Five Sheaths

When we practice yoga we visit each of these Koshas, spending sometimes but a moment in it but none the less we visit this space within us.

The Yoga path of Self-realization is one of progressively moving inward, through each of those lampshades, so as to experience the purity at the eternal center of consciousness, while at the same time allowing that purity to animate through our individuality. These five levels are called koshas, which literally means sheaths.   SwamiJ

Physical – Annamaya kosha 

Anna means food. All of the physical aspects of life come and go, and are consumed by another aspect of external reality. Thus, the outermost of the koshas is called the sheath of food, or Annamaya kosha.

In Vedanta practice, we train this aspect of ourselves, take care of it, nurture it, so that we can both enjoy our external lives and go inward without it being an obstacle during meditation time. In meditation, we become aware of Annamaya kosha, explore it, and then go inward, to and through the other koshas.

Energy – Pranamaya kosha 

The next of the koshas is Pranamaya kosha. Prana means energy. It is the vital force that produces the subtle vibrations related to breath, and which are the driving force behind the physical aspect of the senses and the operation of the physical body. It allows the invisible indweller, our True Self to be able to animate in the external world. At the same time, however, it allows the eternally still, silent center of consciousness to be mistakenly identified as the moving, visible physical body.

For both a healthy life and the practice of meditation, Vedanta says that it is very useful, or essential that this level of our being be trained, regulated, and directed, so that it flows smoothly. In meditation, we become aware of Pranamaya kosha, explore it, and then go inward, to and through the other koshas.   

Mental – Manamaya kosha 

The next of the koshas is Manamaya kosha. Mana means mind. It is the level of processing thoughts and emotions. It is in direct control of the operation, through the prana, of the physical body and senses. It is like a supervisor in a factory, in that it gives instructions, but is not supposed to be the manager of the factory of life. Because of this, it naturally has doubts, and created illusions. When it receives clear instructions from the deeper level, it functions quite well. However, when it is clouded over by its illusions, the deeper wisdom is clouded over.

After taking care of the physical body and training the energy flow of prana, the most important part to be trained in positive ways is this level of mind. In meditation, we become aware of Manamaya kosha, explore it, and then go inward, to and through the remaining koshas.   

Wisdom – Vijnanamaya kosha 

The next of the koshas is Vijnanamaya kosha. Vijnana means knowing. It is the sheath of wisdom that is underneath the processing, thinking aspect of mind. It knows, decides, judges, and discriminates between this and that, between useful and not useful. It is also the level of ego consciousness, meaning the powerful wave of I-am-ness. This I-am-ness itself is a positive influence, but when it gets co-mingled with the memories, and is clouded over by the manas, it loses its positive strength.

A major part of sadhana (spiritual practice) is gaining ever-increasing access to this level of our being. It is the level that has the higher wisdom to seek Truth, to go within, in search of the eternal center of consciousness.

Bliss – Anandamaya kosha 

Anandamaya kosha is the most interior of the koshas, the first of the koshas surrounding the Atman, the eternal center of consciousness. Ananda means bliss. However, it is not bliss as a mere emotion experienced at the level of the sheath of mind. Ananda is a whole different order of reality from that of the mind. It is peace, joy, and love that is underneath, beyond the mind, independent of any reason or stimulus to cause a happy mental reaction. It is simply being, resting in bliss called ananda.

Yet, even this bliss, however wonderful it is, is still a covering, a sheath, a lampshade covering the pure light of consciousness. It is the subtle most of the five koshas. In the silence of deep meditation, this too is let go of, so as to experience the center.

Atman – Self 

Atman is the Self, the eternal center of consciousness, which was never born and never dies. In the metaphor of the lamp and the lampshades, Atman is the light itself, though to even describe it as that is incomplete and incorrect. The deepest light shines through the koshas, and takes on their colorings.

Atman, the Self, has been best described as indescribable. The realization of that, in direct experience, is the goal of Yoga meditation, Advaita Vedanta, and Tantra practices taught in the Himalayan tradition.


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Bee a little Nutty Smoothie

Not sure where this new moon has taken my mind but this morning I feel little nutty 🙂 Maybe it was the breathtaking rainbow over the ocean I woke to or the fact for the first time in months my son didn’t wake during the night….YES I actually had a full nights sleep!

This smoothie is jammed packed full of yummies and goodies for your mind body and soul!

Bee a little Nutty Smoothie

  • 2 cup Almond milk
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 tsp Cacao Nibs
  • 1 tsp Bee Pollen
  • 1 tsp lúcuma powder
  • 1 Tbsp LSA
  • 1 Tbsp Pumpkin seeds
  • half a handful of your favorite nuts


Blend it all together and Buzz your nutty self into your day xx

A little info on lúcuma  for you.

  • Lucuma has been used for centuries in South America for its medicinal properties. The State University of New Jersey reported a study that evaluated the anti-inflammatory effect of lucuma extract on wound healing and skin aging. Results of the trial determined that lucuma significantly increased wound closure and promoted tissue regeneration. The report of the study concluded that lucuma may have anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and skin-repair effects on human skin.
  • Lucuma provides 14 essential trace elements, including a considerable amount of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

    Read more:

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Sports Injury Smoothie

Yes it can happen to the best of us, the ones who warm up and stretch it out, the ones who take all precautions not to hurt themselves…yes I’m talking about sports injury’s. I started training for my half marathon a few weeks ago, thought I was following my plan so well, eating the right foods, taking the right amount of time to rest etc etc….then

OUCH Shit balls and all other words that follow injuring yourself….and to top it off I was picking my son up out of his cot, mind you it was 2am in the morning….none the less I sprained my lower back and twisted my sacral, 4 to 8 weeks recovery no marathon for this pixie, its back to basic’s! 

Inspired by my injury, I looked into all wholefoods to add into my smoothies to speed up the recovery of my poor neglected back.

Sports Injury Smoothie

  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries

(An antioxidant powerhouse, blueberry is high in phytonutrients that confer anti-inflammatory protection against many diseases such as cancer and dementia) 

  • 3 florets of broccoli

(Broccoli is a highly nutritious vegetable that contains anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer phytonutrients such as sulforaphane which helps the body to get rid of potentially carcinogenic compounds)

  • thumb size piece of ginger (Chop the ginger finely, I find if you don’t do this it becomes very stringy and not so fun to drink)
  • 1 tsp of turmeric

(Studies found that turmeric’s anti-inflammatory effects are on a par with potent drugs such as hydrocortisone and Motrin, but yet having none of their side effects)

  • 1 tsp cacao nibs
  • 1 tsp kelp

(Kombu Kelp contains fucoidan, a type of complex carbohydrate that is anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and anti-oxidative. A few studies on fucoidan in recent years have found promising results in using the brown algae extract to control liver and lung cancer and to promote collagen synthesis.)

Place all ingredients into the blender and enjoy!



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Earthships NZ

A great little news article on Earthships in New Zealand. Its fantastic to see this hitting the media, creating more awareness around sustainability and living more within the flows of the land we live on.

You may not build an Earthship but the concepts and designs can be adapted into any type of building.


Click on link to see the video… Building-the-Earthship


Image of the Earthship at Stanmer Park in Brighton, UK